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Name: | VKP |
E-Mail: | the.vkp![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 09/27/2017 at 5:25am (UTC) |
Message: | உங்களது எளிய திருமந்திர விளக்கங்கள் , ஒரு தெளிவான பார்வையுடன் ஆழமாக உள்ளது . யான் பெற்ற இன்பம் பெறுக இவ்வயகம் , எனும் திருமூலரின் எண்ணத்திற்கேற்ப , உங்கள் கடும் முயற்சியும் அர்ப்பணிப்பும் இந்த தொகுப்பில் தென்படுகிறது.. வணக்கத்திற்குரியது ..நன்றி .. வேறு தொகுப்புகள் இருந்தால் பகிரவும் |
Name: | RK |
E-Mail: | 4kfiilm![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 06/19/2017 at 11:25am (UTC) |
Message: | ur done superb work for thirumanthiram. Great sir. |
Name: | sakthiyan |
E-Mail: | sri.sakthi1919![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 01/03/2017 at 7:28am (UTC) |
Message: | திருமூலரின் திருமந்திரம் படிப்பது என்னுடைய கனவு.. |
Name: | sundararajan r.v. |
E-Mail: | suntararaajanae2005![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 04/11/2016 at 5:30pm (UTC) |
Message: | migaum nandri |
Name: | saraswathy |
E-Mail: | sakthisaraswathy![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 10/02/2015 at 8:40am (UTC) |
Message: | ohm sakthi ! Adhiparasakthi! This is really an exemplary work. Thirumantiram is great. Come to Melmaruvathur & experience it really. |
Name: | Salai Perarasu |
E-Mail: | perarasu784![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 08/09/2015 at 2:24pm (UTC) |
Message: | nice........................, ![]() |
Name: | Karunakaran |
E-Mail: | vbkaran50![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 04/16/2015 at 5:02pm (UTC) |
Message: | God Dwells within you As You. Great service to the Humanity by providing gist of Thirumanthiram in Tamil language ![]() |
Name: | Pazhaniyandi |
E-Mail: | pp1bsnl![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 04/10/2008 at 6:17pm (UTC) |
Message: | Ur hard work and thirst have brought complete gist of Thirumanthiram in pure Tamil language. The gist is self-explanatory and understandable by all. Ur work is appreciable. But everyone must try to follow these in reality which is difficult by an ordinary human being. At least this can be read once so that we can remember few things. So U have a good work to do after ur retirement keeping u busy. It may be better to mention something about ur guru Sri.Vaithiyanathan as a respect to him as someone may not be aware .I have a great doubt ( of course this may be ridiculous )sir. Whether Thirumular had followed all what he said. Because in general educating is easier than following. This may be clarified if possible. Anyhow all the best for ur new endeavour. |
E-Mail: | nagarajank_47![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 02/19/2008 at 2:00pm (UTC) |
Message: | Great work.congrats.U have achieved your long cherished desire.expect UR next work on THIRUMULAR-KN/SN |
Name: | S.Ravindran |
E-Mail: | ravindirans![]() |
Homepage: | - |
Time: | 02/12/2008 at 8:21am (UTC) |
Message: | Dear Sir, Simply super to view your thoughts in web site.... /S.Ravindran |